

研版小学英语课件 研版小学英语


外研版小学英语课件 篇1







外研版小学英语课件 篇2


1)基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:July, August, September, October, November, December.

2)学会用“There are…birthdays in …”以及“There is one birthday in …”的语言结构。

3)复习词汇:flowers, festival, birds, snow, rain, warm, hot, cool, cold, sunny.


三、教学重点:词汇:July, August, September, October, November, December.

“There are…birthdays in …”以及“There is one birthday in …”的语言结构。

五、Teaching steps:

T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yi.

T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine , thanks . And how are you?

T: I’m great. Thank you so much. Look! How is the weather today?

T: How do you feel now? Are you happy? Ss: Yes. We’re so happy.

T: Let’s sing a song , ok? Ss: OK!

T& Ss: Spring is warm, spring is warm.

Summer is hot, summer is hot.

Autumn is cool, autumn is cool.

Winter is cold, winter is cold.

2. 复习1-6月份的英文。

T: How many months are there in a year?

Ss: There are twelve months in the year.(引出课题)

板书:Unit 2 There are twelve months in the year.

T: Let’s pass the toy dog and say the words from January to December.

Ss: January, February, March, April, May, June….接着老师带着学生一起说: July, August, September, October, November and December. (在游戏的过程中引入新单词)

T: Today, we’re going to learn the months.

T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game, ok? Ss: OK!

T: I will speak these names of the months. And you can show me your fingers to show. Ss: Yes.

T: May. Ss: (show five fingers) May.

T: March. Ss: (show three fingers) March.

T: July. 提示学生show seven fingers. (July)

S1: Yes. I like July. We can go to the park in July.

T: When is your birthday?

T: Oh , your birthday is in August. Whose birthday is also in August?

S2: My birthday is in August, too.

T: How many birthdays are there in August?

T:Boys and girls, when is Teacher’s Day? Who can tell me?

T: You’re so clever. September,10 th . Do you like September?

S4: Yes. I like September .

S5: We can go to school.

T:You can guess so well. Do you know which month it is? “ It’s cool and it’s in Autumn. There are 31 days in it. And there is National Day ,too.”

T: I like November. What do you like?

T: Do you like November?

Ss: Yes, we like November.

T: Oh ,I’m a weather reporter now. In Beijing , it’s cold and there is snow in December . (播报天气预报)Can you hear which month it is?

T: December . Whose birthday is in December?

S9: My birthday is in December.

T: How many birthdays are there in December? Let’s count.

Ss: There are ….birthdays in December.

T: I heard Ms Smart are counting birthdays now. Please listen to the tape.

1. Listen and do.

T: Boys and girls , please listen and do.

T:1) Whose birthday is in July? Please Stand up.

2) Whose birthday is in August? Put your hands on your head, please!

3) Whose birthday is in September? Touch your ears, please!

4) Whose birthday is in October? Clap, please!

5) Whose birthday is in November? Point to the teacher, please !

6) Whose birthday is in December? Laugh, please!


e.g. S1: Do you like January?

S2: Yes, I like January .

S2: There are lots of festivals.

S3: Which month do you like?

S5: Which month is your favourite?

S6: My favourite month is June.

S6: It’s warm. I can ride a bike


外研版小学英语课件 篇3




2014秋外研版小学英语(三起)六年级上册全册教案 全册总备课一.全册教材分析:本学期是小学阶段最后一个学年的开始。六年级的英语学习将以语言知识的巩固和拓展为主,引导学生进入小学学段的复习准备。所以本教材的新单词远不如三、四、五年级多。在拓展方面,本教材介绍了美国的一些相关知识,有纽约、旧金山等著名城市,也有感恩节等外国节目,同时也介绍了长城、大熊猫等与中国相关的知识,让学生既放眼世界,又不忘祖国。二.教学方法:1.确定恰当的教学目标。我们在使用本教材时,不要要求学生一学习课文就能“自由地”说出课文的所有内容,甚至不要求学生能“自由地”朗读课文,因为教材中有很多内容只是呈现语言的语境内容,并不要求学生能够“读”。所以我们应根据教学建议来合理地确定教学要求,不宜要求学生掌握教材上的全部文字内容。2.创造良好的学习氛围。3.在课堂上尽量使用英语,适当使用汉语。4.纠正学生的语言错误5.利用录音带或CD-ROM,有效使用现代教育技术Module 1总备课知识与技能:全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文,并能按要求完成语句书写。过程与方法:对所学内容主动复习和归纳。情感态度与价值观:乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。第一课时Unit 1 It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long.【教学目标】:知识与技能:1.These postcards are great.2.It’s a picture of the Great Wall.3.How long is the Great Wall ? It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.过程与方法:讲述关于某个地方或某件事物的情况。情感、态度和价值观:【重点】: words and phrase: postcard more thousand kilometer million Mexico Canada【难点】:Sentences: Tell me more about the Great Wall.It’s a picture of great wall.【课时安排

外研版小学英语课件 篇4


1、come back 回来 2、in london with sb.和某人在伦敦 3、be back from……从…回来

4、be home回家 5、last sunday 上星期日 6、our chinese friend 我们的中国朋友

7、live in 住在….地方 8、live near….住在…附近 9、look at those ice creams 看那些冰激凌

10、go home 回家 11、come with sb.和某人一起来(走)12、hurry up 快点 13、wait for sb.等某人

14、come from …来自…..15、go to the park with sb.和某人去公园 16、meet sb. in the park在公园遇见某人

17、sam and amy`s friend 萨姆和艾米的朋友 18、by bus 乘公共汽车 19、run to ….跑向…..

20、walk to the bus 走到公共汽车那儿 21、drop noe`s sth.掉了某人的东西 22、an ice cream一个冰激凌

23、lots of 许多 24、not… at all一点也不(一点也没有) 25、have a lovely time 过得很愉快(玩得很高兴)


1、how many+可数名词的复数 多少 2、go to the supermarket去超市 3、need food for our picnic我们的野餐需要食物 4、at the supermarket在超市 5、read sth. to sb.给某人读。 6、the shopping list 购物单

7、the first thing第一件事(东西) 8、what`s next?下一个/接下来是什么?9、how much+不可数名词 多少

10、half a kilo 半公斤 11、one/a kilo of noodles 一斤面条 12、five yuan 五元 13、one kilo 一斤

14、here`re your oranges. 这是给你的橘子。 15、here you are.给你。16、on our picnic关于我们的野餐

17、let`s make a list.让我们列(制作)个清单吧! 18、what about......?......怎么样?19、all right!好吧!行吧!

20、five bottles/five bottles of milk 五瓶/五瓶牛奶 21、a kilo or two?一斤还是二斤?22、here is/are...for you这是给你的。


1、lots of places许多地方 2、at the weekend在周末 3、go to..... 去。 4、the british museum大英博物馆 5、big ben大本钟 6、the london eye伦敦眼 7、a big wheel一个大轮子 8、it`s wonderful太精彩了 9、send sb. a postcard送给某人一张明信片 10、like....best最喜欢。(like...better更/较喜欢。)

11、the bus ride乘公共汽车(名词短语) 12、last sunday上星期日 13、go to the great wall去长城

14、go there去那儿 15、at ten o`clock in the morning 在早上十点钟 16、walk for one hour步行/走一小时 17、lots of people许多人 18、take photos of the mountains照了(许多)大山的相片 19、a photo of his father一张他父亲的相片 20、go round and round 圆又圆/一圈又一圈 21、high up in the sky高高在天空 22、go to school上学/去学校 23、by plane乘飞机 24、see monkeys 看猴子


1.don`t argue!不要争吵 2.what`s the matter?=what`s wrong?怎么啦?/出什么事了?3.take my t-shirt拿我的体恤衫 4.want to do sth.要做某事 5.on the line在绳子上 6.wash them for you为你洗他们 7.lingling`s t-shirt玲玲的体恤衫 8.be clean 干净的 9.i`m so sorry.我很抱歉 10.that`s okay.=that`s all right.没关系。 11.ms smart`s 斯玛特女士的 12.whose bag谁的包 13.lingling`s bag玲玲的包 14.sam`s t-shirt萨姆的体恤衫 15.jimmy`s sweater吉米的毛衫(衣)16.children of the world世界的孩子们 17.the warm sunshine 暖和的阳光 18.in the air在空气里


1.be in our football team加入我们的足球队 2.play well打得好 fast跑得快ntrol the ball控制球 5.jump really high跳得真高 6.be good at....对。擅长/在。做得好 7.catch the ball well接球好 8.a good goalkeeper一个好的守门员 9.a fantastic goalkeeper一个出色的守门员 at all一点都不。 11.how well多么好 12.best of all所有最好的 13.climb up any wall 爬上任何墙 14.sell seashells卖贝壳 15.at the seashore在海岸


1.a programme about….一个关于….的节目 2.be very useful非常有用 3. be blind瞎的,盲的 4.be deaf 聋的 5.hot dogs热狗 6.have a dog养狗 7.can`t walk不会走 8.can`t sit down不会坐下 9.fly to the moon飞到月球上 a boat划船 11.bake a cake烤面包 12.ride a bike骑自行车 13.speak a word说一句话 14.stand on my head倒立



1.what time什么时间 2.school start学校开始 3.would like to do sth.想做某事 4.get up起床 5.at half past seven在七点半 6.walk to school步行去学校 7.near the school在学校附近 8.be very near...离。很近 9.do exercises 做操 10.every morning每天早上/每天上午 11.in the playground 在操场上 12.before nine o`clock在九点以前 13.take my skipping rope带上我的绳子 14.like doing sth.喜欢做某事 15.that`s fantastic.太棒了 16.sam and amy`s school萨姆和艾米的学校 17.in england在英国 18.do morning exercises做早操 19.the bell rang.铃响了。 into the classroom进入教室 from...爱你的。 22get ready for...为。做准备 doing sth.喜爱做某事 24.have music上音乐课


1.feel sad感觉难过 2.what`s the matter?怎么了? 3.miss china想念中国 4.feel bored感觉无聊 5.want to play chess想下象棋 6.feel angry感觉生气 7.of course not当然不 8.think about思考/考虑…. 9.it`s a secret.它是个秘密。 10.make you a surprise cake给你做一个令人惊奇的/意外的蛋糕 your birthday在你生日(那天) 12.it`s not a surprise!它不是意外/惊喜!13.feel happy感到高兴/幸福 the farm在农场 15.all day整天 16.win a chess game赢了一场象棋赛 out to play出去玩 18.lose one`s bag丢了某人的包 19.smell some nice noodle soup闻到了一股/一些面条汤味 20.a present just for you一件正好给你的礼物 21.a wonderful book一本精彩的书 22.thank you (very much)for.....为。而感谢你 23.feel tired感觉累了 24,be tired累了

外研版小学英语课件 篇5


1.Stand up, please.2.Good morning.3.sit down, please.4.Good afternoon.5.I’m Susan.6.What’s your name?

7.See you tomorrow.8.say goodbye to….9.greet each other.10.around the world.11.Music Room

puter Room


14.This is Feifei

15.How do you spell your name?

16.She’s my friend.17.That’s right

18.①(It’s)nice to meet you.②(I’m)happy to meet you.③(I’m)pleased to meet you.19.introduce Tom to Peter.e and meet my friend

21.family name

22.given name

23.Student Card

24.①(I’m)sorry ② Excuse me

25.What’s two and three?

26.Try again

27.how about …./ what about…..28.Let’s…=Let us….29.go out

30.call sb.31.Can I come in, please?

32.take one’s seat

33.ask sb.to do sth.34.tell sb.to do sth.35.go to…..36.go back to…..37.in English

38.an eraser

39.the name of sth.40.on the blackboard

41.Who’s that?

42.Who are they?

43.say hello to….44.Peter’s parents

45.How do you do?

46.an American family

47.a Japanese family

48.an Italian family

49.want to do sth.50.Here are the animals

51.look at the…..52.What a big pig!

53.eight years old

54.a picture of …..55.lots of…= a lot of…..56.at the zoo

57.be late for….58.have lunch

59.It’s time to do sth.60.go home

61.get up

62.start school

63.the same time

64.go to bed

65.do one’s homework

66.have breakfast

67.have dinner

68.Thanks a lot

69.That’s OK./ That’s all right.70.go to school

71.on the chair

72.under the table

73.in the kitchen

74.living room

75.pencil case

76.some books

puter game

le phone

with sb.80.I don’t have any…..81.be married to sb.82.two children

83.over there










9、彼此问候10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、世界各地 音乐室 电脑房 美术室 这是菲菲 你怎样拼写你的名字? 她是我的朋友 那是对的 见到你很高兴(三种)把Tom介绍给Peter 来见一见我的朋友 姓 名 学生卡 ①对不起②打扰一下 2加3等于几? 再试一试 …怎么样?(两种)让我们… 出去 给…打电话 请问我能进来吗?33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、请求某人做某事 告诉某人做某事 去… 回到… 用英语(表达)一块橡皮 某物的名字 在黑板上 那是谁? 他们是谁? 向…问好 Peter 的父母亲(初次见面时)你好 一个美国的家庭 一个日本的家庭 一个意大利的家庭 想去做某事 这儿有一些动物 看着… 多大的一头猪啊!八岁 …的一幅画/照片 许多…/ 大量的… 在动物园 迟于…,晚于… 吃午餐 到做某事的时间了 回家62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、79、80、81、82、83、开始上学 同样的时间 上床睡觉 做某人的家庭作业 吃早餐 吃正餐;吃晚餐 多谢 不用谢;没关系 去上学 在椅子上 在桌子下面 在厨房里 起居室;客厅 铅笔盒 一些书 电脑游戏 手机;移动电话 和某人一起生活 我没有一些… 和某人结婚 两个孩子 在那边

外研版小学英语课件 篇6

( ) 1. A. email B. e-book C. library

( ) 2. A. books B. dictionaries C. sandwiches

( ) 3. A. China B. Chinese C. English

( ) 1. Amy is going to ____ Chinese food tonight.

( ) 2. I watched a programme about China ______.

A. last night B. tonight C. tomorrow

( ) 3. Daming wants to ____ a birthday card for his mother.

( ) 4. ---- Did you ____ English two years ago?

---- No, but I am _____ English now.

A. learnt; learnt B. learnt; learning; C. learn; learning

( ) 5. There ___ any buses or televisions then.

( ) 6. ____ old woman talked about her life many years ago.

( ) 7. The dag is _____. I can’t carry it.

( ) 8. Sam didn’t ____ hamburgers yesterday.

( ) 9. The bag ____ got four wheels.

( ) 10. ---- Have you got a small one?

A. Yes, I have. B. No, I have C. Yes, I haven’t.

( ) 11. The T-shirt has got a panda ___ it.

( ) 12. We can ____ information from books and CDs.

( ) 13. It’s too hard ____ you.

( ) 14. Let’s ____ football after school.

( ) 15. ____ are the books about science?

1. Yesterday I ____ a book about England. I like ____. (read, reading)

2. He didn’t ______ Chinese before. But he is _____ Chinese now. (learn, learning)

3. Last week I _____ a letter to my friend. But he didn’t ______ me back. (write, wrote)

4. This morning I had three _____, so I didn’t have a ______ for lunch. (sandwiches, sandwich)

5. The bag is _____ for the little girl. She can’t _____it. (heavy, light, carry, to carry)

A. Yes, she does.

B. No, she didn’t.

C. I was in Beijing.

D. They are on Shelf B.

E. I had fish and chips.

( ) 1. Where were you three days ago?

( ) 2. Did she make a card yesterday?

( ) 3. What did you have for dinner?

( ) 4. Does Amy like Chinese food?

( ) 5. Where are the books about sports?

1. He had some new books. (改为否定句)

He _____ _____ any new books.

2. She could read and write. (改为否定句)

She ____ read ____ write.

3. I lived in Shanghai ten years ago. (对画线部分提问)

_____ did you ____ ten years ago?

4. They are my parents. (对画线部分提问)

____ ____ they?

5. you, have, a, small, got, one (?) (连词成句)

Ms Smart and Amy went to a department store last week. Ms Smart wanted to buy a coat for Amy. They looked at a blue coat. Blue is Amy’s favorite colour. The coat was nice. But it was too big for Amy. The sales assistant took a small one. But it was white. Amy tried it. That was lovely. Amy liked it very much. So they took it.

( ) 1. Where did Ms Smart and Amy go last week?

A. A department store. B. A supermarket. C. Amy’s school.

( ) 2. Ms Smart wanted to buy a ____ for Amy.

( ) 3. What is Amy’s favorite colour?

A. Black. B. White. C. Blue.

( ) 4. The blue coat was too ___ for Amy.

( ) 5. Ms Smart and Amy took the ____ coat.

Hello, my name is Lily. I’m ten years old. My favorite colors are green and blue. My favorite language is English. I have many friends. I am a happy girl!

Sports: playing basketball, play computer games

外研版小学英语课件 篇7

We lived in a small house.

(1)New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady

(2)New sentences:There were/weren’t …. There are….

We lived…many years ago. We live…now.


(1)能根据情境正确使用There be ……,We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物


教学重点::如何让学生在课堂上学会 There be …, We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。







重点句式操练Listen and say。先让学生听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的重点句式,然后让他们灵活运用句式:There is/are……/There was/were……造句。


引导学生对本节所学内容进行归纳总结:运用句式…There be.We lived…many years ago . We live …now.谈论及比较过去和现在的生活。

She didn’t have a television.


能听说读写单词:lady fire radio field telephone hope

1. 能熟练运用这类句子”She didn’t…She worked…谈论人们过去的生活。

2. 学会归纳动词的过去式,并能灵活运用。

3. 教学重点:






外研版小学英语课件 篇8

教材分析本课是《新标准英语》小学英语三年级起点第5册第4模块In class的Unit 1 It’s mine。本课通过一些图片,对话形象、生动地让学生掌握和理解本课的重要句型和单词,学情分析以情感培育人,以兴趣吸引人,通过引导学生参与游戏、表演,对话等丰富多彩的教学活动,营造一种轻松愉快的教学氛围,让学生充满乐趣地学习,并从中获得美感。本堂课采用学生合作学习,老师示范学生模仿操练,给学生营造一个愉快的学环。教学目标1.语言知识及技能目标:①能听,说,读,写本课单词:mine , yours, argue, matter ,hers ,his, line ,wet, whose;②能用名词所有格说明物品的所属关系,并熟练掌握和运用 It’s mine.(yours,his,hers,Lingling’s)2.情感态度目标:以情感培育人,以兴趣吸引人,通过引导学生参与游戏、表演,对话等丰富多彩的教学活动,营造一种轻松愉快的教学氛围,让学生充满乐趣地学习,并从中获得美感。3.学习策略目标:本堂课采用学生合作学习,老师示范学生模仿操练,给学生营造一个愉快的学环境。教学重点和难点能够熟练地掌握和运用It’s mine.(yours,his,hers,Lingling’s) ,理解说明物品所属关系。

外研版小学英语课件 篇9


Words of Unit 1


1. There are ten pencils in the blue box.

2. There are enough pencils.


radio and pictures.



Review the words of Module 4



A. T播放磁带,学生听并思考以下问题。

1) How many people are there in this dialogue?

2) What is Sam doing?

3) Are there enough pencils?


示例:enough give every everyone them careful

C. 放录音,SS跟读。

a) 俩人一组完成AB练习2

b) SB活动3


1) 学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。

2) T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。


There is too much water.

There are not enough cups.


There is too much paper.

There are not enough bags.

3) 必答,每组派3人比赛,对一句加一分。

4) 全班完成AB练习1



Copy the key words and sentences and recite them.


Module 5 Unit 1 A B C D

Unit 1 There are enough.



外研版小学英语课件 篇10




It’s mine hishersJimmy’s.










利用简笔画吸引学生的注意力.教师先画出书包的一部分,向学生提问:"What’s this?"然后问:"Whose bag isthis?"听课文录音,请学生边看插图边跟读,模仿语音语调.学生几人一组分角色表演对话,教师做必要的指导.







