

春节祝福语八个 新年祝福语八个 新年祝福语四个字



2、我对着圣诞树默默许愿,希望看短信的你,每天晚上美梦甜甜,每天早上精神奕奕,每天工作顺顺利利,每天生活开开心心,圣诞快乐满满! I silently make wishes to the Christmas tree, hoping that you, who are reading text messages, have sweet and beautiful dreams every night, be energetic every morning, work smoothly every day, live happily every day, and have a happy Christmas!



5、圣诞树挂满我对你的思念,圣诞袜装满我对你的爱恋,美丽的圣诞蜡烛点燃我对你的祝福,可爱的圣诞老人带去我对你的问候,祝你圣诞快乐! The Christmas tree is filled with my longing for you, Christmas stockings are filled with my love for you, beautiful Christmas candles light my blessings for you, and the lovely Santa Claus brings my greetings to you. Wishing you a happy Christmas!


7、午夜的灯光很迷离,深夜的思念在徜徉。我明白,我们虽然远在天涯,可心却近在咫尺。亲爱的,还是忍不住对你说声,想你了,想你能陪我渡过这个温馨的平安夜。远方的我,提前祝你圣诞快乐。 The midnight light is very hazy, and the late night longing is wandering. I understand that although we are far away, our hearts are close at hand. Dear, I cant help but say that I miss you and hope you can accompany me through this warm Christmas Eve. From afar, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance.

8、星星悄悄划过就像我的泪水滴落!只想说一句话:圣诞快乐!平安夜,舞翩阡。雪花飘,飞满天。心与心,永相牵。 The stars quietly glide by like my tears dripping down! Just want to say one thing: Merry Christmas! On Christmas Eve, dancing gracefully across the fields. Snowflakes drift and fly all over the sky. Heart to heart, always pulling together.



11、做一回平安夜的使者,向你报一声平安,做一回圣诞节的圣诞老人,向你派发回快乐;做一回梦幻里爱的天使,向你播撒回幸福;做一回无所不能的神灵,实现你的心愿吧!圣诞快乐,马上许愿吧! Be an ambassador for Christmas Eve, declare peace to you, be Santa Claus for Christmas, and send you joy back; Be an angel of love in a dream, sowing back happiness to you; Be an omnipotent deity and fulfill your wish! Merry Christmas, make a wish now!


13、点点的星光,闪烁着吉祥;绚丽的烟花,绽放着好运;高大的圣诞树,点缀着幸福;小小的短信,承载着祝福;祝你圣诞快乐,阖家幸福,好运连连。 The twinkling stars sparkle with auspiciousness; Brilliant fireworks, blooming with good luck; A tall Christmas tree, adorned with happiness; A small text message, carrying blessings; Wishing you a Merry Christmas, a happy family, and good luck.

14、对不起,没法给你送上一份圣诞礼物,其实那夜我真的去了,可是我带了太多的祝福就被卡在烟囱中间了,所以现在只能给你一份迟到的祝福:圣诞快乐! Im sorry, I cant give you a Christmas gift. Actually, I did go that night, but I brought too many blessings and got stuck in the chimney. So now I can only give you a late wish: Merry Christmas!

15、圣诞到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!心情天天好!圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives, let happiness embrace you gently, let difficulties see you obediently, let troubles slip away secretly, let auspiciousness take special care of you, let happiness smile on you forever! Good mood every day! Merry Christmas!



18、喜欢春天的生机盎然,夏天的翠绿荫荫,秋天的硕果累累,冬天的白雪皑皑!更喜欢在每年的这个时候,为我喜欢的人送去我的祝福:圣诞快乐! I love the vibrant spring, the lush green shade of summer, the fruitful autumn, and the snowy winter! I prefer to send my blessings to the person I like at this time of the year: Merry Christmas!

19、所谓幸福:是有一颗感恩的心,一个健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的爱人,一帮信赖的朋友。你会拥有这一切!祝圣诞快乐! The so-called happiness: having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfying job, a lover who loves you deeply, and a group of trusted friends. You will have all of this! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


21、圣诞将至,派发礼物“卡卡总动员”。一张礼物提货卡,圣诞礼物随便提;一张快乐心情卡,可随时支取开心;一张圣诞祝福卡,朋友问候在里面。圣诞快乐! Christmas is approaching, and gifts will be distributed to "Card Mobilization". A gift pickup card, pick up Christmas gifts casually; A happy mood card that can be used to withdraw happiness at any time; A Christmas greeting card with greetings from friends inside. Merry Christmas!

22、圣诞到,雪花飘,钟声起,祝福早。惊喜无限,礼物多多。圣诞马上就到了,你还不快点来接礼物?呵呵,祝正在看短信的小家伙圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives, snowflakes drift, bells ring, good wishes early. There are endless surprises and many gifts. Christmas is coming soon, why dont you come and pick up the gift quickly? Hehe, wish the little one who is reading text messages a happy Christmas!


24、明月,一闪一闪,挂天边;思念,一丝一丝,连成线;回忆,一幕一幕,在眼前。在这圣诞来临之际,送上温情祝愿!祝您阖家幸福!圣诞快乐! The bright moon, flickering and hanging on the horizon; Missing, a trace, connected into a thread; Memories, one scene at a time, in front of me. On the occasion of Christmas approaching, send warm wishes! Wishing you and your family happiness! Merry Christmas!

25、纷飞的雪花曾是我美丽回忆的书签,月光中在五彩圣诞树下翩翩起舞曾是我可爱的梦想,在这特别的日子,让我用真心的问候祝你圣诞快乐! The snowflakes were once bookmarks of my beautiful memories, and dancing gracefully under the colorful Christmas tree in the moonlight was my lovely dream. On this special day, let me extend my sincere greetings and wish you a happy Christmas!

26、点点滴滴的关怀化作我的祝愿,只只片片的挂念化作我的期盼,把我的心装在短信里面,把我所有的祝愿和期盼带给我想念的你,带给你崭新的平安。圣诞快乐 Little by little care turns into my wishes, and only fragments of concern turn into my expectations. Put my heart in a text message, bring all my wishes and expectations to you whom I miss, and bring you brand new peace. Merry Christmas

27、圣诞树下许美好,日子红火甜又甜;圣诞老人点头笑,鸿运当头福运开;圣诞歌谣哼一哼,幸福美满到永远;圣诞短信发一发,整个冬季乐悠悠:圣诞快乐! Under the Christmas tree, there may be beauty, and the days will be red, sweet, and joyful; Santa Claus nods and smiles, and good luck comes first; Christmas songs hum, happiness and happiness forever; Send a Christmas text message and enjoy the whole winter: Merry Christmas!

28、铃儿叮当响,圣诞祝福忙,祝你平平安安走四方,事业红火放光芒,爱情和美蜜如糖,身体健康更强壮,家庭和睦又吉祥,幸福生活万年长。预祝圣诞快乐! Bells jingle, Christmas wishes are busy, and I wish you peace and prosperity in all directions. Your career shines brightly, love and beauty are like sugar, your body is healthy and stronger, your family is harmonious and auspicious, and you live a happy life for thousands of years. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!



31、圣诞节日好热闹,人来人往大街绕。圣诞礼物送亲友,美满幸福吉祥照。甜甜蜜蜜全家笑,围坐一起举杯邀。传扬美德好风尚,善举济世美风貌。圣诞快乐! Christmas Day is so lively, with people coming and going around the streets. Christmas gifts for family and friends, happy and auspicious photos. Sweet and sweet, the whole family laughed and sat together, toasting and inviting. Spread virtues and good customs, and do good deeds to bring beauty to the world. Merry Christmas!


33、我盼望我等待圣诞节,手心里拽着精心制作的圣诞贺卡,寄给揣在怀里的名字,送去最真的祝福:圣诞快乐! I hope to wait for Christmas, holding a carefully crafted Christmas card in my palm and sending it to the name in my arms, sending the most sincere wishes: Merry Christmas!


35、洁白的雪花,五彩的圣诞树,绚丽的烟火一起映衬出多彩的圣诞节。我把我的祝福写成诗、绘成画都不能表达我的心意,我决定用短信祝福你:圣诞快乐。 The pure white snowflakes, colorful Christmas trees, and splendid fireworks complement the colorful Christmas. I cannot express my wishes in poetry or painting, so I have decided to send you a message wishing you a Merry Christmas.

36、我愿做一棵青翠的圣诞树,挂满一身的祝福,守护在你的家门,为你散发平安,为你闪亮健康,为你守护吉祥,为你带去我最真的问候:圣诞快乐! I am willing to be a green Christmas tree, adorned with blessings, guarding your doorstep, sending you peace, shining health, guarding auspiciousness, and bringing you my most sincere greetings: Merry Christmas!



39、送你棵坠满礼物的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮那颗是我的真心,下面挂的是我的痴心,丝带里缠绕的是我的一颗不变心。圣诞快乐! Im giving you a Christmas tree full of gifts. The largest and brightest one on the top is my sincerity, while the one hanging below is my infatuation. The ribbon is wrapped around my unchanging heart. Merry Christmas!


41、钟声响了,是快乐在召唤;雪花飘了,是吉祥在着陆;铃铛响了,是驯鹿在奔跑;圣诞到了,是朋友在祝福。祝你圣诞快乐,幸福乐翻天! The bell rings, calling for joy; Snowflakes drift, it is auspicious to land; The bell rang, it was the reindeer running; Christmas has arrived, its friends wishing. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and immense happiness!

42、把圣诞节成果挂在树枝上,把圣诞快乐填满胸前,把圣诞礼物放在枕头上,把圣诞短信发到你手里,把圣诞温暖放在你心里,希望圣诞节那天你会更加开心。 Hang Christmas fruits on tree branches, fill your chest with Christmas joy, place Christmas gifts on your pillow, send Christmas messages to you, and keep Christmas warmth in your heart. I hope you will be even happier on Christmas Day.

