

圣诞节祝福语 圣诞节祝福语英语 圣诞节祝福语语句


1、吉祥的驯鹿在奔跑,平安的银铃在叮当;幸福的雪花在飞舞,快乐的雪橇在飞驰;慈祥的老人在微笑,圣诞的礼物在送达;开心的喜悦在蔓延,真挚的祝福在发送:圣诞快乐! The auspicious reindeer are running, and the peaceful silver bells are jingling; Happy snowflakes are dancing, happy sleds are galloping; The kind old man is smiling, and Christmas gifts are being delivered; Happy joy is spreading, and sincere wishes are being sent: Merry Christmas!




5、圣诞到,鹿儿跑,铃儿响叮当;雪花飘,鸟儿叫,树儿尽妖娆;床起早,梦醒了,我的祝福已来到:花儿为你开,心儿为你摘,所有幸福为你来。圣诞快乐! Christmas arrives, deer run, bells ring jingling; Snowflakes drift, birds chirp, trees are all enchanting; I woke up early in bed and woke up from my dream. My blessings have come: flowers bloom for you, my heart picks for you, and all happiness comes for you. Merry Christmas!

6、做一回平安夜的使者,向你报一声平安,做一回圣诞节的圣诞老人,向你派发回快乐;做一回梦幻里爱的天使,向你播撒回幸福;做一回无所不能的神灵,实现你的心愿吧!圣诞快乐,马上许愿吧! Be an ambassador for Christmas Eve, declare peace to you, be Santa Claus for Christmas, and send you joy back; Be an angel of love in a dream, sowing back happiness to you; Be an omnipotent deity and fulfill your wish! Merry Christmas, make a wish now!

7、朋友就是:一份理解,一份支持,一分关爱,一句问候,一些取舍,一片真诚,一种默契,一些惦念,一定难忘~祝我的朋友圣诞快乐! A friend is: one understanding, one support, one care, one greeting, some choices, one sincerity, one understanding, some thoughts, definitely unforgettable~Wishing my friend a happy Christmas!


9、钟声响了,是快乐在召唤;雪花飘了,是吉祥在着陆;铃铛响了,是驯鹿在奔跑;圣诞到了,是朋友在祝福。祝你圣诞快乐,幸福乐翻天! The bell rings, calling for joy; Snowflakes drift, it is auspicious to land; The bell rang, it was the reindeer running; Christmas has arrived, its friends wishing. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and immense happiness!


11、乘着雪橇车,圣诞老人从远方而来,他将手袋中所装的所有美好送至每个人,包括你。善良的人总会得到深切的祝福,亲爱的朋友,圣诞快乐。 Riding on a sled, Santa Claus comes from afar, delivering all the beauty contained in his handbag to everyone, including you. Kind people always receive deep blessings, dear friends. Merry Christmas.




15、我愿做一棵青翠的圣诞树,挂满一身的祝福,守护在你的家门,为你散发平安,为你闪亮健康,为你守护吉祥,为你带去我最真的问候:圣诞快乐! I am willing to be a green Christmas tree, adorned with blessings, guarding your doorstep, sending you peace, shining health, guarding auspiciousness, and bringing you my most sincere greetings: Merry Christmas!

16、不幸地告诉你,接到此短信的瞬间你已中了地球上最可怕的巨毒!我拜访了银河系所有星球都无用,唯一办法是在圣诞夜接受我的关爱。圣诞快乐! Unfortunately, by the moment you receive this message, you have been hit by the most terrifying poison on Earth! I visited all the planets in the Milky Way, but the only way was to receive my love on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!



19、铃儿叮当响,圣诞祝福忙,祝你平平安安走四方,事业红火放光芒,爱情和美蜜如糖,身体健康更强壮,家庭和睦又吉祥,幸福生活万年长。预祝圣诞快乐! Bells jingle, Christmas wishes are busy, and I wish you peace and prosperity in all directions. Your career shines brightly, love and beauty are like sugar, your body is healthy and stronger, your family is harmonious and auspicious, and you live a happy life for thousands of years. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

20、把记忆叠成小船,飘荡在思念的心上;把思念寄托风铃,摇曳学校的回忆;把回忆串成故事,写满真挚的祝福;把祝福融入短信,老师,祝您圣诞快乐! Fold memories into small boats, drifting in the heart of longing; Placing longing on wind chimes, swaying memories of school; String memories into stories and write sincere blessings; Incorporating blessings into text messages, teacher, wish you a Merry Christmas!









29、今年的圣诞礼物领取有两种方式,第一种:传统法,需要烟囱和袜子。第二种:现代法:需要能接收短信的手机。我毫不犹豫给你选择了第二种,所以祝你圣诞快乐。 There are two ways to receive Christmas gifts this year. The first method is traditional, which requires a chimney and socks. The second method: modern method: requires a mobile phone that can receive text messages. I didnt hesitate to choose the second option for you, so I wish you a Merry Christmas.



32、圣诞短信铺天盖地,我怕祝福塞不进去,提前行动占领高地,混个前三也不容易,我要祝你顺心如意,想要咋地就咋地,啥事都能和你心意。圣诞快乐! Christmas messages are overwhelming, and Im afraid that blessings wont fit in. Taking action in advance to occupy the high ground is not easy, and its not easy to get in the top three. I want to wish you all the best, do whatever you want, and everything will be with you. Merry Christmas!

33、不一样的圣诞节,不一样的祝福语;不一样的爱人,不一样的心情;与你相伴,此身不变;与你相守,一步不走;亲爱的,祝福你圣诞快乐! Different Christmas, different blessings; Different lovers, different moods; Accompanying you, this body remains unchanged; Stay with you, never take a step; Dear, wish you a Merry Christmas!


35、给你点阳光你就灿烂,给你个笑容你就放电,给你件棉袄你就出汗,给你筐饲料你就下蛋。昨晚有个老头告诉我,今天你将生个幸福蛋,那就祝你圣诞快乐! If I give you some sunshine, you will shine brightly. If I give you a smile, you will shine. If I give you a cotton jacket, you will sweat. If I give you a basket of feed, you will lay eggs. Last night an old man told me that you would have a happy egg today, so I wish you a Merry Christmas!



38、在冰雪还没有飘下,圣诞老人还没睡醒,圣诞树还未长高,袜子还没挂上窗前,礼物还未准备好,大家的祝福还没有漫天弥漫之前,先祝你圣诞快乐,天天开心! Before the ice and snow drift down, Santa Claus hasnt woken up yet, the Christmas tree hasnt grown tall, socks havent hung up in front of the window, gifts havent been prepared yet, and everyones blessings havent spread everywhere, I wish you a Merry Christmas and happy every day!


40、圣诞节日好热闹,人来人往大街绕。圣诞礼物送亲友,美满幸福吉祥照。甜甜蜜蜜全家笑,围坐一起举杯邀。传扬美德好风尚,善举济世美风貌。圣诞快乐! Christmas Day is so lively, with people coming and going around the streets. Christmas gifts for family and friends, happy and auspicious photos. Sweet and sweet, the whole family laughed and sat together, toasting and inviting. Spread virtues and good customs, and do good deeds to bring beauty to the world. Merry Christmas!



43、圣诞树上挂礼物,圣诞衣中藏祝福。红红火火福永驻,快快乐乐无痛苦。祝福声声友情护,圣诞佳节笑处处。祝圣诞快乐! Hang gifts on the Christmas tree and keep blessings hidden in the Christmas clothes. Red, red, fire, and blessings are eternal, joyful and painless. Blessings, voices, friendship, and protection. Laughter is everywhere during Christmas. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!



46、装上糖果,面带微笑。穿好圣诞衣,戴好圣诞帽。蹬上圣诞靴,准备向快乐奔跑。竖起耳朵,等待圣诞的冲锋号。叮咚咚。收到了吗?抓住快乐了吗?祝你圣诞快乐! Put on candy with a smile on your face. Put on your Christmas clothes and hat. Put on your Christmas boots and prepare to run towards happiness. Raise your ears and wait for the Christmas Rush. Ding Dong Dong. Did you receive it? Have you captured happiness? Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


48、圣诞节就快到了,我把收藏了一年的喜气、福气、财气、瑞气、运气统统装进一个精美的盒子里,在圣诞节那天,让圣诞老人带去送给你,祝你圣诞快乐! Christmas is coming soon, and I have packed all the blessings, blessings, wealth, luck, and good luck that I have collected for a year into a beautiful box. On Christmas Day, let Santa Claus bring them to you and wish you a happy Christmas!



51、把圣诞节成果挂在树枝上,把圣诞快乐填满胸前,把圣诞礼物放在枕头上,把圣诞短信发到你手里,把圣诞温暖放在你心里,希望圣诞节那天你会更加开心。 Hang Christmas fruits on tree branches, fill your chest with Christmas joy, place Christmas gifts on your pillow, send Christmas messages to you, and keep Christmas warmth in your heart. I hope you will be even happier on Christmas Day.


53、烦恼不理你,健康暗恋你,快乐是你的左膀,幸福是你的右臂,让我的祝福化作真情,流露我的真心,对你说声:“圣诞快乐!” Worries ignore you, health secretly loves you, happiness is your left arm, happiness is your right arm, let my blessings turn into true feelings, reveal my sincerity, and say to you, "Merry Christmas!"




57、朋友是风,朋友是雨,有朋友可以呼风唤雨。朋友是天,朋友是地,有朋友可以顶天立地。财富不是永久的,朋友却是永久的财富!祝圣诞快乐! Friends are the wind, friends are the rain, and having friends can call for the wind and rain. Friends are the sky, friends are the earth, having friends can stand up to the sky and the earth. Wealth is not permanent, but friends are permanent wealth! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!


59、工作的繁忙,并未把你遗忘;节日的祝福,愿你幸福欢笑。我的祝福,风儿传递,祝你笑容常在,圣诞快乐,祝福永珍藏。 The busyness of work has not forgotten you; Festival blessings, may you be happy and happy. My blessings, passed by the wind, wish you a smile always on, a Merry Christmas, and a cherished wish.











70、我对着圣诞树默默许愿,希望看短信的你,每天晚上美梦甜甜,每天早上精神奕奕,每天工作顺顺利利,每天生活开开心心,圣诞快乐满满! I silently make wishes to the Christmas tree, hoping that you, who are reading text messages, have sweet and beautiful dreams every night, be energetic every morning, work smoothly every day, live happily every day, and have a happy Christmas!


